Leveraging Guru's iPaaS Integrations: Zapier and Workato


Zapier Triggers & Actions Available

An event in Guru that will start your workflow.
“When this happens…”
An action pulls the data from your other app(s) to complete a step in Guru.

“...Do this”
Card UnverifiedCreate Card
Card ArchivedCreate Group
Card Comment createdAdd tag to Card
Card CopiedArchive Card
Card CreatedRestore Card
Card FavoritedVerify Card
Card Link CopiedUnverify Card
Card UnfavoritedAdd User to Group
Card UpdatedRemove User from Group
Card VerifiedInvite User
Card ViewedRemove User
User Added to GroupSearch: Find Archived Card
Collection Trust Score Crosses ThresholdSearch: Find or Create Card
New Collection AddedSearch: Find tag
New Tag AddedCreate PDF From a Guru Card ID
New Group Added
New folder Added
Announcement Sent
Team Card count reaches a milestone

Troubleshooting Issues with Zapier

If you’re seeing an error in your Zapier, it can be helpful to look at your Zap Details. The Task Usage tab will show all successful and unsuccessful runs of the Zapier. The Zap Run tabs will show each time the Zap was used and triggered, including any errors that have occurred.

If you’re identifying an issue with Zapier, we recommend using their Support documentation or contacting their Support team directly for assistance. Zapier’s support team will reach out to Guru if the issue is related to our Guru Zapier app.

Frequently Asked Questions about Guru's Zapier App

What kinds of permissions do I need to create a Zap?

The Collections and folders that you see appear in Zapier will match the access that you have in Guru. A 403 error in Zapier typically means that you are properly authenticated, but you do not have the proper user permissions to access a certain endpoint.

We built the Zapier app based on the four user roles within a Guru team. Below is a summary of what roles have access to what Triggers & Actions. For more information about the four Guru roles and their permissions, please read "Guru roles: Admin, Collection Owner, Author, Read Only":

Role TitleRole Purpose
Read onlyThese users will be very limited in the Guru Actions they can build.
AuthorAuthors are the people on your team who create and manage content for the team to use. Authors will be able to build all the Triggers Read Only users can build, plus Card Copied, Card Unverified, Card Link Copied, Card Viewed, Card Favorites, Card Unfavorited, Collection Trust Score crosses a Threshold, Team reaches Milestone on Collections that have access to. These users will be able to perform the same actions they can on the Guru web app.
Collection ownerCollection owners have the ability to create, edit, and verify content. They can also restrict users from seeing specific content within a Collection via folder permissions. Collection owners will have the same permissions of Triggers & Actions as an author would.
AdminAdmins are your team leads who manage your content, all users and their permissions, the structure of your Guru team, and all billing information. Admins will be able to build Actions around user management, such as Invite User, Invite User to group, Remove User, and Remove User from Group.

Card Archived does not allow folder ID set up?

Once a Card is Archived, it no longer has any folder properties. Therefore, when the Card Archived Trigger is "triggered", Zapier cannot determine what folder the Card was on.

Can I get the Card Comment Content out of the Card Commented Trigger?

At this time, we do not have a way to get the Card Comment content from the Card Comment Trigger.

Can I build a Trigger for when a Tag is added to a Card?

You can leverage Zapier's Filter Rules to filter on a Card created that has a specific Tag added it the Card. This will not work if the Tag is added to the Card after it has been created.

What Guru permissions do I need to use the announcement Trigger?

Admins can create Triggers for announcements sent to all Groups, including Groups they are not a member of. Non-Admin users can only set up Zaps for announcements that were sent from a Collection that they have Author access to.


Workato Triggers and Actions

New card: New card in GuruAdd member to a group
New member: New member in GuruCreate Card
Create tag
List tag categories
Remove member
Search Cards
Search Groups
Update Card
Create tag category
Delete member from Group
Get Card details
Get team stats
Invite member
List Collections
List members within a Group

Finding the Workato app

Install the Guru Community Connector into your Workato instance.

When you install the Guru community connector, a copy of it is cloned into your workspace. You may choose to extend the functionality of our connector or use it as-is, depending on your requirements or the additional Guru API endpoints you would like to leverage.

After testing the functionality, you may release this connector for use in recipes via the Release latest version button. Once you release this version, anyone in your workspace can begin to use this community connector in their recipes.


Access Required

Only Admins and roles with developer permissions can install the Guru Connector from the community. Contact your workspace admin to help you install the connector you have found if you do not have permission to do so

Authenticating your Guru account

  1. Click App Connections.
  2. Search for the "Guru" app that you installed via the Community page.
  3. Title your connection.
  4. Sign in to Guru by entering your Guru username and the associated User API Token.
  5. Once successfully signed into Guru, you can start building away.
Workato set up

What kind of workflows can I use in Workato?

Check out Guru's Workato Recipe Index for recommended workflows you can use.