Specific Source Setup Details

Each tool connected to Guru has specific data (“objects”) that syncs with Guru, allowing you to search across tools and get answers directly in your workflow. Below is a breakdown of the objects synced from each source, along with more detailed information on source setup.

Source Credential Details

The flow for setting up a source is the same, but there are some nuanced differences depending on what type of tool you are looking to connect. As you follow the setup instructions, see here for any additional details.


What you'll needObjects we sync
Your team domainComments, Features, Products, Tasks, Users


What you'll needObjects we sync
Airtable credentialsSpecified tables


What you'll needObjects we sync
Your Asana CredentialsProjects, Stories, Tasks, Users

Azure DevOps

What you'll needObjects we sync
An Azure Personal Access Token Workitem, Project, Comment, Member, Team


What you'll needObjects we sync
Your Basecamp subdomainPeople, Projects, To Dos, Comments


What you'll needObjects we sync
Your workspace IDIssue, Repository, Comment, Member


What you'll needObjects we sync
Select “Read Only” Permissions, Your Box CredentialsFiles located in the specific folders you select


What you'll needObjects we sync
Your Confluence credentials and read access to the space you want to syncPage content for the designated space


What you'll needObjects we sync
Your Clickup credentialsComments, Spaces, Tasks, Teams, Groups, Users


What you'll needObjects we sync
Dixa API KeyConversation, Message, Agent, Note


What you'll needObjects we sync
Your Dropbox CredentialsFiles located in the specific folders you select

File Upload

What you'll needObjects we sync
FIle(s) stored locallyMost common file types supported


What you'll needObjects we sync
Your Freshdesk subdomainAgents, Companies, Conversations, Tickets, Replies, Notes


What you'll needObjects we sync
Your Freshservice credentialsTicket, Conversation, Agent


What you'll needObjects we sync
Your Front credentialsConversations, Inbox, Account, Message, Teammate, Event, Team


What you'll needObjects we sync
Your Gitlab credentialsIssues, Projects, Comments, Users, Groups, Notes

GitLab Repository

What you'll needObjects we sync
Your Gitlab credentialsCode Repositories

GitHub Issues

What you'll needObjects we syncNotes
Github username and fine-grained personal access tokenIssues, Repositories, Comments, UsersThe GitHub source allows Guru's GenAI search, Answers, to search across your Issues within GitHub and use the content in Issues to answer user questions. At this time, it does not include the ability to search across code repos or the GitHub wiki. Follow these instructions to generate a token which you'll need to use when setting up the source.

Github Repository

What you'll needObjects we sync
Your Github credentialsCode Repositories

Github Wiki

What you'll needObjects we sync
Your Github credentialsArticles from designated GitHub wiki


What you'll needObjects we sync
Your Gladly subdomainConversations, Tasks, Customers, Agents, Teams, Inboxes, Comments, Notes

Google Drive

What you'll needObjects we syncNotes
Your Google Drive credentials. Inherited Permissions require an Admin scoped to drive.readonly, admin.directory.group.readonly, and
Files located in the specific folders you selectIf using Inherited Permissions, users will only gain answers for the content they have access to in Google Drive

Google Sheets

What you'll needObjects we syncNotes
Your Google Drive CredentialsSpecific pages of sheets that you selectThis will link existing live Google Sheets, not .xlsx files


What you'll needObjects we sync
Your Gorgias subdomainTickets, Messages, Users, Teams


What you'll needObjects we sync
Gong credentialsGong Transcripts

Guru's Help Center

What you'll needObjects we sync
N/AArticles from Guru's Help Center


What you'll needObjects we sync
Help Scout credentialsConversations, Mailboxes, Threads, Users, Teams, Members


What you'll needObjects we sync
Hive API KeyTask, List, Activity, User, Group


What you'll needObjects we sync
- API Access
- Available in all Hubspot CRM editions per the Hubspot API documentation page [https://developers.hubspot.com/apisbytier]
- Access is controlled via a Private App defined in Hubspot
- Admins configure the Private App within Hubspot including all scopes and data access
- Guru utilizes the Private App via an API key provided in the integration installationNote: on the first screen in the setup process, you will need to input your Hubspot Tenant ID in the "Enter your CRM's subdomain" field. You can find your tenant ID in Hubspot in the dropdown on the upper right hand side (see below).
Companies (Accounts), Pipelines (Stages), Owners (Users), Deals (Opportunities), Notes, Tasks

Hubspot Ticketing (Service Hub)

What you'll needObjects we sync
- API Access
- Available in all Hubspot Service Hub editions per the Hubspot API documentation page
- Access is controlled via a Private App defined in Hubspot
- Admins configure the Private App within Hubspot including all scopes and data access
- Guru utilizes the Private App via an API key provided in the integration installation


What you'll needObjects we sync
Intercom CredentialsCompanies, Conversations, Users

Intercom Articles

What you'll needObjects we sync
Intercom CredentialsArticles


What you'll needObjects we sync
Ironclad domainWorkflows, Users


What you'll needObjects we sync
Jira domainProjects, Issues, Users, Comments

Jira Service Management

What you'll needObjects we sync
Jira subdomainProjects, Issues, Comments, Users


What you'll needObjects we sync
API KeyConversations, Users, Companies, Notes, Messages

Kustomer Knowledge Base

What you'll needObjects we syncNotes
Kustomer credentialsArticlesInstall the Guru app within Kustomer instance before connecting Kustomer Knowledge Base


What you'll needObjects we sync
Linear credentialsTickets, Users


What you'll needObjects we sync
monday.com credentialsBoards and Groups that you specify


What you'll needObjects we sync
Notion credentialsPages you specify


What you'll needObjects we sync
- Read only permission - OneDrive credentialsFiles located in the specific folders you select

Pivotal Tracker

What you'll needObjects we sync
Pivotal API TokenStory, Project, Comment, Users, Epics, Memberships


What you'll needObjects we sync
Rally API keyArtifact, Project, Conversation, Users, Iterations, Releases, Milestones

ReadMe Docs

What you'll needObjects we syncNotes
ReadMe API keyArticles from your ReadMe GuideDoes not include API Reference docs. Please use File Upload to load your Swagger/OpenAPI spec


What you'll needObjects we sync
Re:amaze subdomainConversations, Messages


What you'll needObjects we sync
- API Access
- Available in the following editions per Salesforce Help Page
- Enterprise Edition
- Unlimited Edition
- Developer Edition
- Performance Edition
- A valid Salesforce User with API Access enabled can be used to access the API, per the Salesforce Developer site
Account, Opportunity, Notes, Stages, Tasks, Users, Custom Objects

Salesforce Service Cloud

What you'll needObjects we sync
- API Access
- Available in the following editions per Salesforce Help Page
- Enterprise Edition
- Unlimited Edition
- Developer Edition
- Performance Edition
- A valid Salesforce User with API Access enabled can be used to access the API, per the Salesforce Developer site


What you'll needObjects we sync
ServiceNow subdomainTasks, Customer Accounts, Journals, Users, Incidents, Cases, Requests, Problem


What you'll needObjects we sync
“Read only for non-admin users” permissions
Sharepoint credentials
Files located in the specific folders you select


What you'll needObjects we sync
Shortcut API KeyEpics, Stories, Workflows, Iterations, Projects, Groups


What you'll needObjects we syncNotes
Slack credentialsMessages in designated channels from the last 90 daysAdmins have option to set up inherited Slack permissions



Consider also turning on Suggested Answers in Slack, so your team can access all connected content in Guru within their workflow in Slack


What you'll needObjects we sync
Smartsheet credentialsDesignated table - you’ll be prompted to select the title column


What you'll needObjects we sync
Client id & Secret (from Spotdraft’s team)Contracts, Notes, Users


What you'll needObjects we sync
Teamwork subdomainTasks, Projects, Comments, People, Task Lists


What you'll needObjects we sync
Trello credentialsCards, Comments, Boards, Members, Organizations

Veeva Vault Quality Docs

What you'll needObjects we sync
Username, password, and domainVeeva Vault QualityDocs that meet the following criteria:

Lifecycle = ‘Draft to Effective Lifecycle’ AND Status = ‘Effective’


Lifecycle = ‘Draft to Approved Lifecycle’ AND Status = ‘Approved’


What you'll needObjects we sync
- Wrike subdomain
- API Access
- All editions of per Wrike's pricing page
- A valid user is required to access the API
Comments, Tasks, Folders, Accounts, Users, Groups


What you'll needObjects we sync
- Zendesk credentials
- API Access
- All editions per Zendesk Pricing page
- Any valid Zendesk user can access the API
Tickets, Users, Accounts, Comments

Zendesk Guide

What you'll needObjects we syncNotes
Zendesk subdomain, Zendesk API TokenArticles from designated Zendesk guideYou can designate which brand and which languages (multi-select) you'd like to sync.

Zoho Bug Tracker

What you'll needObjects we sync
Zoho credentialsBugs, Projects, Comments, Users, Bugs

Zoho Desk

What you'll needObjects we sync
Zoho credentials, Org IDTickets, Accounts, Comments, Agents, Teams, Conversations, Threads

Initial Sync Timing

There are several factors that impact how quickly a source is established, including rate limits, time to sync the content, and the time required to index the content for search.

Rate Limits

Rate limiting helps keep things running smoothly by managing how many requests a client can send in a certain time. This ensures fair access for everyone and helps maintain consistent, reliable performance.

The different tools Guru connects with have different rate limits,

  • Ticketing: On average, 50 API calls are needed to process 1,000 ticket records.
  • File Storage: The initial sync typically requires 1 API call per record, with 2 API calls for each updated record.
  • CRMs: Depending on the tool, for example Hubspot requires 40 API calls per hour, and Salesforce requires approximately 1 API call per hour.