Managing Guru Notifications
When notifications are sent
Guru will send you notifications in email, Slack, or Microsoft Teams when:
- You receive an announcement.
- The announcement you sent was read for the first time.
- You need to approve a Card for publication.
- A user requests verification of a Card and you're a verifier. Guru will not send a notification when a Card becomes unverified, however, you may see unverified Cards appear in your weekly email digest. We recommend using the web app Tasks > Verification list or Slack to manage your verification responsibilities.
- There is an update made to a Card that you follow.
- A user interacts with you via the comments in a draft or published Card.
- New comments: The Card's verifier and anyone @mentioned in that comment will be notified.
- Replies: Anyone who has participated in that comment thread and anyone @mentioned in that reply will be notified.
- Resolved comments: Anyone who participated in that comment thread will be notified.
- Reopened comments: Anyone who participated in that comment thread will be notified.
- A user asks a question of you, a user answers a question you asked, or there is a comment on a question you asked or answered.
- When content from a linked source is ready to be used for Guru-suggested answers.
By default, Guru notifications are sent via email, but you have the option to receive Guru notifications in Slack or Microsoft Teams instead of email. Once you enable your Guru app notifications in Slack or Microsoft Teams, you will no longer receive notifications via email. Guru cannot support sending notifications to both Slack or Microsoft Teams and a user's email at this time.
Guru Notifications via Email
You will receive email notifications from Guru by default when you create your Guru account. Guru email notifications come from "".
The following emails will still be sent by Guru regardless of a user's email subscription settings:
- Exports
- Migration/Sync confirmation or failure messages
- Reset password requests
To Edit or Unsubscribe to Emails
- Open an email notification from Guru.
- Select
Click Here
at the very bottom of the email in the gray box. - A webpage containing a list of all of the different types of email communications Guru sends opens. Use the sliders to indicate which emails you wish to opt out of. Click Save Preferences at the bottom of the page to save your selections. To unsubscribe from all emails, click Opt Out of All Emails.
Unsubscribing from all email notifications will stop Guru from sending you potentially important notifications regarding interactions in Guru, including comments from your teammates and requests to verify Cards.
To resubscribe to email notifications
- Open an email notification from Guru.
- Select
Click Here
at the very bottom of the email in the gray box. - Use the sliders to indicate which emails you do or do not want to receive. If you previously opted out of all emails, click the Opt-In + Restore preferences button.
Weekly Digest in Email
Who receives a weekly digest?
Currently, you will receive a weekly digest if you meet all of the following criteria:
- You are subscribed to Guru's weekly email digest.
- You have been a member of a Guru team for at least 1 week.
- You will see at least 3 new or updated Cards in your email digest.
If the user does not meet this criterion, they will not receive an email digest that week.
What information does my weekly digest contain?
Each user's email digest is unique and relevant to their role. A Card might be highlighted in your digest if it meets the criteria below at the time the digest is generated:
Your curated updates: this week's top priorities
- Updates were made to a Card you follow that you have not yet read
- A new Card from an Author you follow that you have not yet read.
- A Card you are responsible for verifying that is popular and unverified.
- A Card you verify that is close to expiring (within the next 7 calendar days).
Cards just for you: Your personalized recommendations
- A personally recommended Card ("Recommended for you") that you have not yet read.
- A new featured (pinned) Card from your team (featured within the past 2 weeks) that you have not yet read.
- This week’s most viewed Cards from your team that you have not yet read.
Stay up-to-date: What you may have missed
- A summarized reminder of any outstanding unread announcements.
If there are no eligible Cards to display for a section, Guru will skip including the section in your digest that week. If none of the sections contain at least 3 Cards, Guru will skip sending you a digest that week.
Manage Notifications in Slack
- Navigate to the Home tab in your @Guru App in Slack.
- Scroll to the bottom section titled "Notifications." Click Manage Notifications. Here you can enable or disable notifications and update your notification frequency settings.
Manage Notifications in Microsoft Teams
- Click the Guru app icon (found below any message compose toolbar), and select Settings.
- Check the box for Enable/Disable Guru notifications in Microsoft Teams.
- (Optional) Select the days and time of day that you would like to receive your recurring update from the Guru bot to remind you of unverified Cards in your queue.
- Save your settings by clicking the Update Notification Settings button.
Guru supports sending notifications through either email or your preferred chat platform (ex: Slack, Microsoft Teams). At the moment, notification preferences cannot support notifications sent through both email and chat platforms concurrently.
Updated 7 months ago