Adoption and Feature Usage Analytics
Adoption and Feature Usage analytics are meant to assist your team in assessing the value of Guru's core features. By analyzing all active user events (detailed in a complete list below), this dashboard offers crucial insights into workspace trends. While user activity may fluctuate, successful teams consistently achieve high usage rates.
In addition, if your workspace is using AI Suggest Text, this dashboard illustrates not only how your team is leveraging AI-suggested Cards, but also over which apps they're using them, and what content is helping them the most.
All Analytics widgets will update every 1-2 hours with your team's information. Analytics data will go back to the date that the user started using Guru.
Accessing the Adoption and Feature Usage analytics dashboard
Navigate to the Analytics in the web app and click on the Adoption and Feature Usage tab.
Understanding Adoption and Feature Usage reports
Below is a summary of each widget and the insights provided:
Total Adoption in timeframe
- The number of active users is divided by the number of invited users in the specified timeframe, displayed as a percent.
Usage by source
- A bar chart displaying the total number of user actions taken in each source in the specified timeframe. Sources include:
- Guru Web App - User action within the web app.
- Extension - User action within the Guru web browser extension.
- Guru API - User action using the API.
- Slack - User action with a Guru-generated Slack message. For example, a user clicks the "Open Card in Guru" button or the "Review Card & Verify" button. This does not include an activity like clicking hyperlinked text leading to a Guru Card.
- MS Teams - User action with a Guru-generated Slack message. For example, a user clicks the "View Card" button or the "Open in Guru" button. This does not include an activity like clicking hyperlinked text leading to a Guru Card.
- Email - User action is taken with a Guru-provided system email. For example, clicking the "Open Card" or "Open Question" buttons in an email, or replying to the Guru system email to answer the question.
- Public Card - Public Card views.
- Mobile App - User action within the Guru mobile app. Using Guru in the mobile web browser counts activity as the source "Guru Web App".
- Other - User activity within integrations such as Zapier, Workato, the Microsoft Outlook Guru add-in, or the Guru for Gmail Add-On.
- Use this report to learn where workspace members are (or are not) leveraging Guru.
Adoption over time
- An area chart displaying the workspace's weekly engagement percentage in the specified timeframe.
- As a benchmark, we recommend keeping weekly adoption at or above 80%. This is represented by the solid horizontal line on the chart.
Announcement read rates
- A combined bar and line chart displaying the total number of announcements sent by month and the total percent of announcements read by month in the specified timeframe.
- Use this report to understand whether your announcement read rates are consistent month over month.
- Evaluate if any of your workspace's Groups might be contributing to "information overload" by sending a large number of announcements per month.
AI Suggest Text total volume
- The total number of interactions with AI-powered suggestions across all of the web applications over which Guru's AI Suggest feature was triggered during the present week.
- The percent change (up or down) from the prior week to this week, followed by the total number of AI Suggest interactions in the prior week.
- An area chart displaying the total number of weekly unique interactions users have had with AI Suggest in the specified timeframe.
Suggestion utilization
- The usage percent, or, the total number of AI-powered suggestions used divided by the total number of AI-powered suggestions made in the present week.
- The percent change (up or down) from the prior week to this week, followed by the usage percent of the prior week.
- An area chart displaying weekly suggestion usage percentage in the specified timeframe.
Suggestion utilization by channel
- A line chart displaying monthly AI Suggest percent usage by channel in the specified timeframe.
- Use this report to get a better sense of your team's habits and understand which web apps your team is using Guru's AI-powered suggestions with the most.
Most useful Cards for support
- A table displaying the number of times a Card was used (viewed or copied) over each application, sorted by the sum total of the number of times the Card was used (highest to lowest).
- These Cards are used (viewed or copied) with the greatest frequency to solve conversations.
- To view all rows (i.e. all Cards and over which application they were used), download the report as a CSV.
Downloading and scheduling report delivery
You can easily download individual reports as CSV files or schedule the entire dashboard to be emailed to you on a recurring basis.
Frequently asked questions about adoption and feature usage analytics
What does Guru count as an "action" taken by a user?
Actions taken by users include:
- Commenting on a Card
- Viewing a Card
- Verifying a Card
- Clicking "Publish and Verify" while editing an already verified Card does not count.
- Copying a Card link
- Creating a Card
- Deleting a Card
- Updating a Card
- Copying a Card
- Favoriting a Card
- Unfavoriting a Card
- Following a Card
- Unfollowing a Card
- Viewing a folder
- Creating a folder
- Updating a folder
- Deleting a folder
- Viewing a file in a Card
- Copying a link to a file from a Card
- Asking a question
- Answering a question
- Archiving/deleting a question
- Performing a search
- Copying a Synced Card link
When is a Guru suggestion considered "used" in a channel?
This number is defined as viewing or copying a Card while the web application is open in the browser tab below the open Guru extension. Tracking Guru usage is only possible when Guru's browser extension is interacted with over the browser tab containing the support application. Tracking is not possible when Guru is open in a separate browser tab.
Does a Card displayed as a source for Guru's suggested answer count as a Card view?
No, a view is not counted when a Card is used as a source. The user would need to click on the source Card and view it for a view to be counted.
Why does the adoption over time look different than the total adoption?
Weekly Adoption tracks week-over-week (WoW) user engagement, highlighting the percentage of users active in a given week to capture short-term changes. Total Adoption, however, reflects the unique users interacting with the system over the entire selected timeframe. For instance, if a team has four users, two active in the first half of the month and the other two in the second half, each week may show a 50% adoption rate, but total monthly adoption would be 100%, as all four users were active at some point. The key difference is that Weekly Adoption shows only per-week activity without accumulating across weeks, so averaging these weekly figures over a month can misrepresent overall adoption.
Knowledge usage analytics provide essential insights into what your team members are searching for in Guru. Verification Health analytics and individual Card details provide additional insight.
Updated 5 months ago