Announcements Analytics

Announcements analytics provide helpful insight into your team's consumption of important updates at specific times. With this data, company leaders have greater visibility into how different groups and individuals are engaging with announcements at a high level.

The data from the announcement analytics dashboard can be used in conjunction with the granular "Open" and "Read" data available on the Card each announcement is made with. Learn how to check who viewed and read the announcement from the Card itself.



All Analytics widgets will update every 1-2 hours with your team's information. Analytics data will go back to the date that the user started using Guru.

Accessing the Announcements analytics dashboard

Navigate to the Analytics in the web app and click on the Announcements tab.

Use the filters at the top of the page to narrow down your results to view announcements sent within a certain timeframe or received by a specific Group. If there were no announcements sent or read during the specified timeframe, the "No data found for this query" message will appear.

Understanding Announcements reports

Below is a summary of each widget and the insights provided:

Announcements read rate over time

  • An area graph displaying the entire workspace's (or Group's, when the "Group" filter is applied) percent read rate on a weekly basis.
  • Users indicate "read" by clicking the "I Read It" button on the announcement.

Announcements read rates by users

  • A combined bar and line chart displaying each user's engagement with an announcement during the specified timeframe in which announcements were sent.
  • Users are plotted along the x-axis with a bar representing the individual's "Announcements Received" and a point representing their "Announcements Read" in no particular order.
  • To view all rows (i.e. all users and their announcements received and read), download the report as a CSV.
    • Click "Announcements Received" or "Announcements Read" to hide or display the metric on the graph.

User announcement behavior

In this table, review your team's announcement habits over time in the Collections you have at least author access to, including:

  • User Display Name - First and last name.
  • Email - The email address they authenticate to Guru with.
  • Announcements Received - Total # announcements received by each user.
  • Open Count - Total number of announcements received and opened (not yet confirmed Read) by the user.
  • Percent Opened - Percent (%) of announcements opened by the user.
  • Announcements Read - Total number of announcements received, opened, and confirmed Read (via clicking the "I Read It" button) by the user.
  • Percent Read - Percent (%) of announcements opened and confirmed Read by the user.



Looking for metrics by Group? Check out the "Announcement read rates by group" and the "Announcement send rates by group" on the Group Impact analytics dashboard.

Using Announcements analytics

Use your assessment of the reports on the Announcements dashboard to:

  1. Coach your team on the importance of reviewing crucial announcements. Help uninformed team members get back on track and up to speed by reviewing their announcement behavior.
  2. Inform potential improvements to how important content is shared or structured to maximize consumption.

Downloading and scheduling report delivery

You can easily download individual reports as CSV files or schedule the entire dashboard to be emailed to you on a recurring basis.  

Frequently asked questions about announcement analytics

Why don't I see all Users/Groups under the widgets even without filters?
You will only be able to view announcement analytics for the Collections that you have at least author access to.

How do I view analytics for an individual announcement?
All users (including read only users) can view analytics for individual announcements while viewing the Card's Usage and Analytics details.

Why can all users see the data for an individual announcement but only authors can see the data in the announcement analytics tool?
The reason the view of high-level announcement data is kept to a specific audience is that this contains some potentially sensitive information that could be used in coaching or review settings.