Pages Analytics
On the Pages Analytics dashboard, Admins can see how their users are interacting with their pages. The tables show total views by Page, and Page views by user. Both tables can be filtered by Date, User, Group and Page Name.
All Analytics widgets will update every 1-2 hours with your team's information. Analytics data for a user will go back to the date that the user started using Guru.
Accessing the Contribution analytics dashboard
Navigate to the Analytics in the web app and click on the Pages tab.
Use the filters at the top of the page to narrow down your results to view specific Pages, Page views within a certain timeframe, or views by a specific User/Group.
Below is a summary of each widget and the insights provided:
Page Views
Shows a specific Page and how many times it was viewed.
Page Views by User
Shows each Page along with how many times it was viewed by each user.
Updated 8 days ago